Thursday, August 26, 2010

For starters...

I guess I'll give everyone a little snapshot of where I am.  My husband and I decided that in order to achieve your dreams, you obviously need to make sacrafices, but sometimes also have to take a step backward in order to be able to take a giant leap forwards.  So, in the name of chasing a dream, we recently went from being independent adults, complete with our own place, two incomes and benefits, to where we are now.  David's dream is law school, and I support him 100%.  So I left my job as an office manager, he left his job as a corporate slave, we pulled our son out of full time daycare, turned in our apartment keys, sold one of our cars and are back in my hometown, in the house I grew up in, living with my folks.  David interns for free with a local attorney and spends every spare moment he has preparing for the LSAT and perfecting his personal statements and adendums for law school applications.  I have taken a crash course is being a stay at home mom and feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it, between playgroups, playdates, laundry and washing sippy cups I manage to fill my days.  Stay tuned for our daily adventures as my husband chases his dream and I chase my toddler....

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